Industrial Machinery Sold our first CNC Lathe back in 1974, a 50 HP Model ST-10 from SMT of Sweden. It was a great machine for its time and SMT had a very good System of CNC Education. Our Director of CNC Education, Heinz R. Putz was the Original SMT Teacher of CNC Machining and is still going strong today. Fanuc is now his specialty. He has worked for Fanuc as a CNC Education Consultant in Developing their CNC Curriculum and has taught Shops Nationwide for the last twenty eight years. Our CNC courses follow the method he Developed and Perfected. Heinz's Fanuc CNC Videos are the basis of the course outlines.
To insure that you achieve a High and Efficient Level of CNC Productivity, we offer the following courses:
- In-house training on your machine, Includes backup phone service
- Individualized weekend programming courses at Industrial machinery
- Learning on your own from the "Fanuc CNC Videos"
Classes to be taught by Heinz R. Putz, a 30 year Veteran in the Machine Tool Industry. Heinz earned his well known reputation starting as a young German Apprentice in a Precision Machine Shop. Later Heinz worked for SMT (Swedish Machine Tool), Fanuc, and many U.S. Toolmakers. Heinz has trained 100’s of CNC Shops over the Years and is currently holding monthly workshops at Industrial Machinery in Columbus, Ohio.
Your Instructor: Heinz R. Putz. - Heinz might be called "The Original" CNC Instructor in the U.S.
Heinz' background includes a Machining Apprenticeship in Germany and many years of Machine Shop Work in the years prior to CNC. He was a Fulltime CNC Instructor for SMT( Swedish Machine Tool) back in 1974, long before the first Fanuc Control showed up in the U.S. on a Mori-Seiki Lathe. Heinz soon determined that the future in CNC was with the Fanuc Control. He began learning the Fanuc method in Great Detail. After what seemed a really long time and many headaches, Heinz became so Proficient that Fanuc hired him as a Consultant to Teach Classes and to Re-Write CNC Manuals to Include Practical Machining Examples.
His CNC DVDs and CNC Classes pass on the Wealth of CNC Information he has gained over these Many Years to anyone that wants to be really good at CNC Programming & Manufacturing.
As everyone in our Industry knows, Fanuc has been and is the Leader in CNC Controls sold around the World. All of the content of our CNC Training Classes will be based on the Fanuc method of CNC Programming, which is compatible to most CNC Controls Built.
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